How to create safety .env file in Laravel project?

3 min readMar 30, 2023


The .env file in Laravel is a configuration file that contains sensitive information. In your main Laravel folder you should have .env file which contains various settings, one row – one KEY=VALUE pair. And then, within your Laravel project code you can get those environment variables with function env(‘KEY’). By following these steps, you can help to protect your application's sensitive data and prevent vulnerabilities in your .env file

More info in the Official Laravel Documentation

Example and Prevention


To encrypt an environment file, you may use the command:env:encrypt:

php artisan env:encrypt

Running the command will encrypt your file and place the encrypted contents in an file. The decryption key is presented in the output of the command and should be stored in a secure password manager. If you would like to provide your own encryption key you may use the option when invoking the command:env:encrypt.env.env.encrypted--key

php artisan env:encrypt --key=3UVsEgGVK36XN82KKeyLFMhvosbZN1aF

If your application has multiple environment files, such as and , you may specify the environment file that should be encrypted by providing the environment name via the option:.env.env.staging--env

php artisan env:encrypt --env=staging


To decrypt an environment file, you may use the command. This command requires a decryption key, which Laravel will retrieve from the environment variable: env:decrypt LARAVEL_ENV_ENCRYPTION_KEY

php artisan env:decrypt

Or, the key may be provided directly to the command via the option:--key

php artisan env:decrypt --key=3UVsEgGVK36XN82KKeyLFMhvosbZN1aF

Not included in the version control system by default

Teamwork and working with git repositories is that .env file is NOT committed to the repository, it is included in .gitignore file.

add .gitignore file :


Built-in environment variable protection


Generate a new application key

php artisan key:generate

Make sure your app is not in debug mode while in production


Path Traversal

Similar to unrestricted file uploads, you should use the PHP function to strip out directory information like so:basename

Route::get('/download', function(Request $request) {
return response()->download(storage_path('content/').basename($request->input('filename')));

Read more : OWASP


Make sure that CHMOD for your .env file should be 400 or 440 so that it can not be accessed from outside the public folder.

in Linux:

chmod 440 .env

Block access in .htaccess

.htaccess contains superpower, you can set env file permission but blocking that file via .htaccessis very useful. add this code in the .htaccess file :

<FilesMatch "^\.env">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

also, protect dot files with this:

## Block access to dot file
location ~ /. {
deny all;

Move the file outside of the project root directory .env

By default, the file is located in the project root directory. You can move it outside the project root directory and update the variable in the file to reflect the new path. This way, even if someone gains access to your project files, they won’t have access to the file. .env APP_ENV.env.env

Safety share .env secret

Envault is a tool to share .env secrets. It lets you manage and sync your entire team’s local .env files, across all your projects, so you’re all kept up to date with the latest changes.



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